Tuesday 18 June 2013

50 Random Facts About Me


Hope you are all well and with this being my first post on here so I thought what a better post then the 50 random facts about me, that way you can all learn a bit more about me has a person. 

So here goes hope you enjoy learning some more about me. 

1) I was born on the 22nd August 
2) I am an only child, which does mean I can get lonely at times but also means I can find my own entertainment. 
3) I am ambidextrous which means I can use both my right and left hand to do many tasks like throwing a ball or writing.
4) I am dyslexia but only found out when I went to university.
5) I went to Southampton Solent University and studied Television Studio Production. 
6) I gained a 2.1 BA Hons at university which I am very proud of. 
7) I can't swim but I want to learn so hopefully so I will be able to. 
8) I am learning to drive at the present moment and hoping to pass by the end of this year fingers crossed.
9) My lifetime dream is to travel the world in a VW Camper van.
10) My favourite colour is Blue any type of blue. 
11) I have a fear of eyes. 
12) The first time I went on an airplane or even aboard was when I was 22 and went to New York with university.
13) I can lip-read this is due to my mum being deaf in one ear and watching her lip-read since I was young. 
14) I am normally founded wearing a skirt or dress over trousers no matter what the weather is like. 
15) I have only broken one bone in my lifetime which was a little bone in my little finger on my right hand. But it does means that my finger is now not straight. 
16) My natural hair colour is between strawberry blonde and dirty blonde.
17) If I was born a boy my name would have been James.
18) I love being by the beach. 
19) I would love to surf but can't due to being unable to swim :( 
20) I have been with my boyfriend Daniel for around 19 months but I have known him for around 4 years. 
21) We first meet when we both worked together at a hotel, I was a receptionist and Daniel was a porter.
22) I love paining my nails and normally do it around three times a week but I dislike how long it takes nail polish to dry.
23) I dislike several foods like mushrooms, cream, liver and butter.
24) I am caffeine sensitivity which means I can't really drink coffee or energy drinks.
25) My favourite flower is Sunflower it reminds me of the summer.
26) I am allergic to Lilies and if I am in a room with them I start suffering from a massive headache and find it hard to concentrate. 
27) I suffer from depression, panic attacks and anxiety but I have decided them I am not going to let it stop me doing the things I want to do. 
28) I have size 4 feet which I love has it means I can buy shoes from the children's range. 
29) I have met Dame Kelly Holmes last year at the Olympic Torch Relay Festival and managed to get my ticket signed and have a photo with her. 
30) I bruise very easily. 
31) I am very accident prone and will always walk into things.
32) I love taking photos and normally seen with a camera. 
33) I always have cold hand and feet. 
34) My first main job was in a chinese restaurant as a waitress which I disliked.
35) I can never finish a meal as I get bored of eating.
36) I normally eat a child meal at a restaurant.
37) I have a cat called Mizzi-Ann.
38) I live in the South East of England.
39) I love being around people.
40) I am currently live with my parents but hope to move out every soon.
41) I love makeup but I only put it on when I am going somewhere. 
42) I am into all sort of music from Taylor Swift to Funeral Friend.
43) I love Disney and nearly have every Disney Classic Film.
44) I enjoy watching Australia soaps like Home and Away over watching UK soaps.
45) My favourite food is Italian 
46) I enjoy watching football and my favourite team is Southampton FC.
47) I prefer eating vegetarian food over red meat but enjoy eating chicken and turkey. 
48) My favourite holiday season is Christmas as I enjoy buying gifts for other people.
49) I enjoy watching youtube videos over normal television.
50) I treat my friends like my family. 

A Younger Me

My Cat Mizzi- Ann 

Daniel and Me 2013

See You Soon 


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